2025 Scholarship Season
More scholarship information will continue to be added to our page as shared with SPARK, so continue to check for more opportunities. These scholarship opportunities, and many more, can be found through Naviance or by speaking to your school counseling office. Please see specific scholarships for deadline dates.
Scholarship Review Committee Guidelines:
- No scholarship committee member shall be related to any applicant. Student name and school name are redacted prior to review and selection by the committee.
- Scholarship awards shall be based on merit and qualifications and shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, or disability
- The SPARK scholarship committee will utilize the established rubric during the selection process.
- Please note that the scholarship review committee guidelines apply only to the scholarships that are exclusively administered by SPARK.
All SPARK administered grants can be found on the SPARK Kaleidoscope Marketplace, or by visiting each application individually (by clicking the links below).
Apple Federal Credit Union (Prince William County) Scholarship
This scholarship awards $3,000 to two (2) graduating PWCS high school seniors who intend to pursue studies in Business and/or Finance.
Deadline: 11:59 p.m. on April 1, 2025
Ashley Blue Scholarship
This scholarship awards $1000 to one (1) graduating PWCS high school senior who has experience as a student-athlete and is attending a 2 or 4-year accredited college or university.
Deadline: 11:59 PM on April 1, 2025
Career & Technical Education (CTE) Scholarship
This scholarship awards $1,000 to up to three (3) students who have completed a VDOE-approved CTE sequence of courses and plan to continue education through a Professional Certification program, an Associate in Science (A.S.) Degree, an Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) Degree, or a Bachelors in a field related to their CTE course studies.
Deadline: 11:59 p.m. on April 1, 2025
Woodbridge Chick-fil-A Scholarship
This scholarship awards $2,000 to one (1) graduating PWCS high school senior.
Deadline: 11:59 p.m. on April 1, 2025
Dr. Edward L. Kelly Scholarship
This scholarship awards $1,500 scholarships to up to three (3) graduating PWCS high school seniors who intend to pursue studies to enter the teaching profession.
Deadline: 11:59 p.m. on April 1, 2025
Freddie L. Smith Scholarship
This scholarship awards $10,000 to one (1) graduating senior from Potomac High School who is a well-rounded individual with community service, strong academics, and school involvement, and will attend a college or university in the state of Virginia or Washington, D.C.
Deadline: 11:59 p.m. on April 1, 2025
Lake Ridge Chorale "Raise Your Voice" Scholarship
This scholarship awards $500 scholarships to two (2) graduating PWCS high school seniors who have participated in their school's choir, show choir, or musical theatre during their high school career.
Deadline: 11:59 p.m. on April 1, 2025
Lillian M. Orlich Scholarship
This scholarship awards $2,500 to two (2) graduating high school seniors at Osbourn Park High School.
Deadline: 11:59 p.m. on April 1, 2025
Lockheed Martin Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Scholarship
This scholarship awards $1,500 to two (2) graduating PWCS high school seniors who plan to pursue a career in a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics field. The recipients will also be eligible to apply for a Lockheed Martin paid internship opportunity.
Deadline: 11:59 p.m. on April 1, 2025
Dr. Robert L. Eichorn Scholarship
This scholarship awards $1,000 to up to three (3) graduating PWCS high school seniors who have participated in a nontraditional program such as: Independence Nontraditional School, GED/ISAEP, Computer-Based Instruction (CBI), Juvenile Detention Center, or PACE West.
Deadline: 11:59 p.m. on April 1, 2025
UVA Health, Health/Medical Sciences Scholarship
This scholarship awards $2,000 to up to two (2) graduating PWCS high school seniors pursuing a 2 or 4-year degree in a clinical health care related career field.
Deadline: 11:59 PM on April 1, 2025
Woodbridge Woman’s Club Scholarship
This scholarship awards $1,500 to one (1) graduating high school senior from Freedom High School who plans to attend an accredited community college, or four-year college or university.
Deadline: 11:59 PM on April 1, 2025
Woodbridge Woman’s Club CTE Scholarship
This scholarship awards $1,500 to up to one (1) graduating high school senior from Gar-Field High School who is currently enrolled in the Culinary programs and plans to further their education through a trade school, licensure program, or university program related to Culinary Arts.
Deadline: 11:59 PM on April 1, 2025
YES (Yorkshire Elementary School) Scholarship
This scholarship awards $5,000 to one (1) graduating high school senior that attended Yorkshire Elementary School for at least one year.
Deadline: 11:59 p.m. on April 1, 2025
SPARK acts solely as the fiscal agent for the following scholarships and is not part of the selection process, therefore they are not exclusively administered by SPARK.
David J Cobb Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship awards $1,000 to one (1) graduate of PWCS who plans to pursue a degree in the medical field. Please visit the link to apply.
Deadline: March 31, 2025
Forest Park Black Alumni Scholarship
This scholarship awards $1,500 to two (2) Black graduating seniors in good standing at Forest Park High School. Please visit the link to apply.
Deadline: April 1, 2025
Scholarship Opportunities offered by our Business and Community Partners
SPARK is not the fiscal agent, nor a part of the selection process, for the following scholarships.
1890 National Scholarship
The 1890 National Scholars Program provides a chance for High School Seniors and current college students to receive a full ride ( 4-year scholarship) to one of the 19 designated 1890 land-grant universities. Students interested in pursuing degrees in agriculture, food, natural resource sciences, or related academic disciplines will also gain valuable work experience with USDA through a summer internship. For more information, see the link above.
Beauty & Wellness Professionals Scholarship
BeautySchoolsDirectory.com is offering $2,500 scholarships to students, including DACA recipients, who are pursuing a career in the beauty industry. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis with annual deadlines of both September 1 and March 1. See the link above for more information.
Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club of Northern Virginia Scholarship
The Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club of Northern Virginia will award three (3) $1,000 academic scholarships to deserving college-bound high school seniors or current students enrolled at an accredited college or university, 2-year community college, or vocational institution. See the link above for more information.
Deadline: April 11, 2025
Gospel Worship Experience Scholarship Program
All High School Seniors graduating in the application year (2025) are eligible to apply for a Gospel Worship Experience Scholarship Program Scholarship. All scholarships will be awarded on the 1st Saturday of October in the same year as the application deadline. In 2025, scholarships will be awarded on October 4th at 4:30pm at Mt. Zion Baptist Church 18410 Chapel Drive, Triangle, Virginia 22172. All applicants must be present to win. To apply, review the essay requirements as stated on the Gospel Worship Experience Scholarship website linked above.
Ira Dorsey Foundation Scholarships
The Ira Dorsey Scholarship Endowment Fund, Inc. (IDSEF) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that operates exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, as well as awarding scholarships to graduating high school students.
IDSEF will award 3 types of scholarships to graduating high school seniors in the Virginia counties of Prince William, Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, Stafford, Fauquier, and the independent cities within these counties.
The Ira Dorsey Scholarship Endowment Fund Jewel Scholarship is a $5,000 scholarship is open to any male graduating high school seniors who have earned a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 or better on a 4.0 scale, and plans to attend a four-year college or university.
The Historically Black College or University (HBCU) Scholarship is a $5,000 open to all graduating high school seniors, male and female, who plan to attend an accredited four-year HBCU.
- The Ira Dorsey Scholarship Endowment Fund Chester F. Johnson Memorial HBCU Scholarship is a $5,000 renewable scholarship for four years of HBCU attendane ($20,000 total) and is open to all graduation high school seniors.
Applicants may receive only one of the above scholarships.
The IDSEF scholarship application, including eligibility criteria and detailed instructions for completing the application can be found at the link above.
Deadline: April 13, 2025
Northern Virginia Kappa Achievement Foundation Scholarships
The Northern Virginia Kappa Achievement Foundation (NVKAF) annually awards college scholarships to students living and attending high school in Northern Virginia, based on their academic achievement, extracurricular activities including organizations participation and community service. There are numerous separate oppotunties to apply for through NVKAF. To learn more or to apply, visit the website linked above.
Deadline: April 11, 2025
Samuel O. Kwarteng Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship awards $2,000 to one (1) graduating senior in memory of Samuel O. Kwarteng and is hosted by Acquiring Knowledge for Transcendence, a non-profit based out of Alexandria, Virginia. For more informaiton, visit the link above.
This application opens on March 1, 2025.
Deadline: May 3, 2025