Program Support

SPARK supports multiple programs and initiatives each year. These programs and initiatives include:  

Annual Supply Drive 

The foundation collects and coordinates school supply donations to a of schools each fall. The supplies are provided by SPARK funding and donations from community and business partners. These supplies are then sorted and packed into sets by the SPARK and PWCS Community and Business Engagement office, before they are distributed to PWCS schools in need of supplies for their students. 

Holiday Helpers 

SPARK established a "Holiday Helpers" giving program to provide food, gifts, and warm clothing to families-in-need identified by community partners and the School Division. The Foundation also participates and contributes to holiday giving programs throughout the greater Prince William area by supporting programs such as Volunteer Prince William’s “Un-Trim-A-Tree” program. 

SPARK Grants 

Each year, SPARK funds a variety of new and innovative programs that would not normally be possible through limited school budgets. These programs may impact a single classroom, a team of teachers, an individual school, or the entire School Division. The grant application is available online for PWCS teachers and staff to submit between August and February (or until funds are depleted) of each school year. The grants are reviewed by the SPARK Grant Review Committee and approved grants are awarded up to $5,000. See our Grants page for more information. 

SPARKing STEAM: support for STEM Education 

SPARK works to support STEM in the form of Virginia STAR, which helps students learn hands-on computer building skills, and provides computers to students,  and support of community and business partnerships that benefit the PWCS Career and Technical Education office. SPARK always works closely with business partners, such as Lockheed Martin and Micron, to provide STEM-bases scholarships to graduating seniors. 

SPARK has also developed a number of in-person and virtual events under the SPARKing STEAM and “Introduce a Girl to STEAM” designations, which provide students with opportunities to explore STEAM content and STEAM careers that they may not have been previously exposed to.  

SPARK is also proud to be working with AWS In Communities and the Children’s Science Center Lab to provide STEM fieldtrips and other learning opportunities for PWCS students.  

For more information about SPARKing STEAM events, please look back on our Events page. SPARKing STEAM events, as well as other programs and events, will be shared there throughout the year.